Rejuvenated Strides: My Journey from Setback to Comeback

We’re playing the Washington Mystics and the game is tied up with 38 seconds left in the fourth. My teammate, Marina is dribbling down the court, sees me open under the basket and throws a pass. I jump up to ally-oop the pass into a layup but the pass is a bit high, so I decided to come down with the ball. When I did, I landed on someone’s foot and as I tried to get my footing, I felt a pop. 

Come to find out, I had sustained a Lisfranc ligament injury. In simple terms, one of the ligaments that holds the toe bones in place popped. What’s interesting about Lisfranc injuries, is that typically they occur in men and are a common American football injury. Obviously I don’t fall into any of those categories, but from what my doctor told me, I just happened to land in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Here I snap a pic at the ER the night I was injured, waiting to hear the official diagnosis
Veronica, our team Athletic trainer, with me the day I had surgery. She was extremely helpful during my entire recovery

I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. To rewind a bit- before getting hurt, I was past the point of exhaustion. I was going on two years straight of playing basketball and as much as I love basketball, it was the first time in my career that I was burnt out. It was a blessing to have finally made a WNBA team, however I needed a break and there seemed like no time to take one. I do feel that if I had the proper rest, I would not have gotten hurt. After the realization set in that I’d be out for a while, I optimistically took the situation as God telling me to simply take the rest that I should have taken a long time ago.

I was on a scooter for about 2 months while my foot was healing (definitely the toughest part of the recovery)
My last day on the scooter was my birthday ✌🏽
Once I was able to walk, I was in a boot for a while. I tired camouflaging it with every outfit lol
Being around the team during the season really helped with my recovery process
I was super thankful that my sister, Rhema could come out to Chicago to help me while it was difficult to walk. She helped tremendously with the new puppy I just got as well
This was my first day being able to walk without the scooter. I was ecstatic!!

One thing I know for sure is, now I feel better than ever. The projected timeline of Lisfranc injuries can vary from 6 months to over a year. I came back in 7 months. I dedicated time to working on myself in multiple areas and its amazing to see it all come to fruition. Now I am wise with not overworking myself and understand that breaks are just as important as the work you put in. My body feels stronger than it ever has in my life, my mind is fresh and sharp again, and lastly, my foot feels like new. 

One of my many days in rehab
My favorite rehab days were at the beach
Veronica and I working at the beach
My pup, Churro and me at the Sand dunes one morning doing sand work
On a road trip in Phoenix doing my rehab while the team was practicing
I was so happy when I didn’t have to wear a boot any more! 🥹🥹
With the extra time I had while not playing, I tired my best to get out into the community. Here I’m picture with a local Chicago high school team after talking with them
I visited Victor Valley Community College as well. Their coach is my trainer and they also allowed me to practice with them once I was cleared
I now prioritize doing things outside of basketball that I enjoy so I keep a good balance & fresh mind
I had more time to spend with family & friends. Here I’m with my mom sister during Thanksgiving at the LA Auto show
At a birthday dinner for my friend, Atonye. Normally I’d miss these types of events, but because I was home rehabbing, I got to go 😊
I got to attend multiple UCLA games this season also!
Time with friends for the first time in years was definitely a highlight of the last 7 months

It might be cliché to say “a setback is a setup for a comeback”, but it’s so true. I’ve just started back playing in games about 5 weeks ago so one can say I’ve already “comeback”, but its only just the beginning. Stay tuned!

Here I’m pictured with my physical therapist on my last day of rehab, getting ready to head overseas to Girona

Officially back at it 🙏🏽

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